Wednesday, June 29, 2011

6/29/11 - Just Out of the Shower

Do you like this look? I think I need to get sponsored by herbal essences. Condition your hair with breast milk nutrients ... mmmm sweet nectar of the world. - Lorenzo

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

6/28/11 - Party Planner

Me and Mommy are getting ready to parrrrrrtay! Ai que stressed Mommy is... it's like Daddy says, the future will always be a sunrise away, let's just kick back and watch its beauty. - Renzo

6/27/11 - Undefeated!

Me, Mommy and Daddy are un-de-FEATED at the Big A when the 3 of us hit up the game! All day, all day. I love uncle Dooey for letting us sit in some sweet seats. I'm going to kiss your face when I see you! - Renzo

Sunday, June 26, 2011

6/26/11 - Look at Me Now

No really, look at me. Look into my eyes... Do you want to ride a bugs life caterpillar?!?! Disneyland today! Daddy and I played slime each other with our sweat!

- Renzo

6/25/11 - Eyes

Oh you know, just another day in DTF, getting tatted up so I can go to Slidebar. Can you believe Grandma and Grandpa let me get a Che-Che Life tatted on my belly?

And this is my morning game, eyes. - Lorenzo

Friday, June 24, 2011

6/24/11 - Practice Practice

Getting closer and closer everyday! I love the practice, though. Unlike that punk, Allen Iverson. - Lorenzo

Thursday, June 23, 2011

6/23/11 - Nooooo :(

The battery was dead and by the time it was charged I was already asleep, nooooooo :( - Renzo

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

6/22/11 - Don't Even Think It

No, I'm not practicing my lawnmower skills because I'm Mexican. I'm trying to get my legs and balance ready for this walking thing. Mommy and Daddy said they won't carry me anymore once I turn 1! - Lorenzo

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

6/21/11 - Luke, I Am Your Primo

I visited baby Luke today, look how cute he is!

Later, I got my hacking skills on using Daddy's computer. Hax0r! - R3nzo

Monday, June 20, 2011

6/20/11 - Again, Again!

Disneyland, Disney-land! Hey Mickey, you better be ready to see my face a lot this year. I'm going to become the mayor of the Disneyland! Two days in a row, boo-ya!

- Renzo

Sunday, June 19, 2011

6/19/11 - Let's Come Everyday!

Today we went to the happiest place on Earth for the first time! I want to come everyday now so I can pull on Mickey's ears and yank on Pluto's tail! Sensory overload, I'm ready to react to rides, next time. - Lorenzo

Planning for the day, leader.

6/18/11 - What Are You Opening?

Hey, what are you opening over there?!?! I can't even get this bag of peanuts open and you're making like an elephant and cracking those suckers, share! - Renzo

Friday, June 17, 2011

6/17/11 - Poo-Chi!

I learned this word from Daddy, makes me sit with him while he poops! Poo-chi! - Renzo

Thursday, June 16, 2011

6/16/11 - Potty Trained

Yes, it's true! I am potty trained on how to flush the toilet. This is what I did: I pooped my diaper, wrapped myself in toilet paper, then flushed the toilet! That's how it works, right? - Renzo

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

6/15/11 - Pizza Pizza Pizza!

I'm going to be like my uncle David, "PIZZA PIZZA PIZZA!" It gave me so much energy, I was walking all over NYPD pizza tonight (with help of the chairs, of course). - Lorenzo

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

6/14/11 - Travieso

Yes, soy muy travieso. I got tired of running errands with Mommy so I hid the truck key by my high-chair. Look at my hiding spot! - Lorenzo

Monday, June 13, 2011

6/13/11 - Getting the Hang of This

Today's book was much more excited, but these pictures do look kind of funny, again. Maybe I'm taking Mommy and Daddy a little to serious when they call me their little monkey. I'm trying read books upside-down! - Lorenzo

Sunday, June 12, 2011

6/12/11 - Snooze Fest

Oh wait, no wonder I found this book super boring... I was reading it upside-down! - Lorenzo

6/11/11 - Granny's Party

Today we celebrated Granny Goose's birthday party! It was shrimptacular!

Look at me now, look at me now... I have a chauffeur... - Renzo

Friday, June 10, 2011

6/10/11 - Over the Top

Look at my focus before my big match. It's on like cheech and chong. My biceps are bigger than Daddy's, no lie. Proof is in the breast milk pudding. Next up: Uncle Dooey. - Lorenzo

Thursday, June 9, 2011

6/9/11 - Pogo

I'm going to dance like Momma, with two left feet! - Lorenzo

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

6/8/11 - Toys Galore

Don't I have a bunch of toys?!?! Look at all I have to play with. I need learn how to write so I can start my memoir.

- Renzo

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

6/7/11 - Baby Toy

Are you kidding me? Daddy tried to get me to play with this baby toy tonight. Silly guy, I just folded it up and set it next to the table. Nice try. - Lorenzo

Monday, June 6, 2011

6/6/11 - Comb

So yesterday I showed you what I did with my hair when it is hot. "I got hot." Today, I show you that I know how to comb my hair, too. - Renzo

Sunday, June 5, 2011

6/5/11 - Hair

I have some killer hair right now. I love to play with it, check me out! But DO NOT call me a girl! - Lorenzo

Saturday, June 4, 2011

6/4/11 - Great Grandpa!

It was my great Grandpa's birthday yesterday so I went to hang out with him. We had In-N-Out and played giddy-up! What I learned from him today: no matter what, he can help me get out of any situation, but the grave. He's the best philosophizer! - Renzo

6/3/11 - Sick :(

I'm sick with a cough and stuffed nose and I'm left down here on the ground. You just wait until I can climb on things! - Renzo

Thursday, June 2, 2011

6/2/11 - You Better Watch It

Dear Jamba Juice,

You better watch out, I'm going to put you out of business real soon...

Fresh juice! Who want's some fresh juice! - Lorenzo

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

6/1/11 - Futbol!

El equipo mexicano de fútbol mejor estar preparado para mí. Orale! - Lorenzo