Monday, February 27, 2012

2/27/12 - Where has the Time Gone?!?!

Mommy and Daddy think since I have my own laptop that I can post on my blog. But they forgot to get me a wireless card!

Sorry for the 20 days without posts; it has been a crazy few weeks, but I promise to be back on track.

Here's some highlights to enjoy as a make up...



Secret handshake:

And some pictures: spring cleaning, morning rides, rock climbing and box car driving.

Friday, February 10, 2012

2/7/12 - Whoa, Dude!

Whoa, whoa, whoa ... put some wheels on this and I'll hit the mini-ramp!

Monday, February 6, 2012

2/6/12 - I DID IT!

I went poo-poo in the big boy toilet tonight!!! I would put a picture of it up but Mama won't let me. - Lorenzo

2/5/12 - Snoozer Bowl

I've had enough of football for the year so I cuddled up with cousin Chris to watch Toy Story! - Renzo

2/4/12 - Honey Dew

Me and DaDa were finishing our honey-do list when Mama caught us playing with the hose instead! Caught! - Lorenzo

Friday, February 3, 2012

2/3/12 - No Refry!

I don't need my beans refried! Just give me these things whole! And check out my skills I've mastered on my skateboard, better than Da-Da! - Renzo

2/2/12 - Practice Pee Pee!

I finally sit on the toilet! But I haven't pee pee'd in it, just getting comfortable with this cold seat! - Renzo

2/1/12 - So Tired

I don't know why you guys woke me up, tired. These blinders didn't even help. - Lorenzo

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

1/31/12 - Skating!

I'm getting ready to skateboard! Give me a few years and I'll be able to kick flip over the El Dorado gap near the math building. - Lorenzo

1/30/12 - Christmas in January!

I got some delayed Christmas presents from Auntie Nesh & Terri, Uncle Mark and Cousin Andrew ... and I cannot stop playing with them! Christmas in January! NEMO LETS GO IN MY CARS TENT! - Renzo

1/29/12 - I Eat Free!

What better way to spend Sunday night then eating free dinner! W00t! - Lorenzo

1/28/12 - Note to Daddy

Don't leave me with women, Dad! - Renzo

1/27/12 - Bath Sans Mini Tub

Ever since I've moved to Costa Mesa I've ditched the mini tub and use the big boy tub! Much easier to pee in and avoid having it touch my feet. - Renzo