Friday, March 30, 2012

3/29/12 - Call Me, Doc

Doctor, you have me set an "appointment" but yet, you make me sit around for 30 minutes past my "appointment time."

Why didn't you ask me to come in 30 minutes later, Doc? Call me, let's discuss. - Renzo

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

3/28/12 - Busy, Busy

Where has this month gone?!? It has flown by. I worked on getting some last emails out today, hope they get read on the air tomorrow. - Renzo

3/27/12 - Coloring

It's very important that I bring my coloring book with me downstairs in the morning. Still trying to get a handle on these colors. Upon first try, everything is "geen" to me. - Lorenzo

3/26/12 - Is it Still Sunday?

Because I like chilling on the couch with my blankies. While Mommy was making dinner I turned on the blu ray only to get some weirdo named Tony Horton telling me to stretch and "one more rep."

I'll do what I want, Tony. - Renzo

Sunday, March 25, 2012

3/25/12 - Lazy Day

Storm was coming so we prepared like any good 'Merican should: taking it easy being lazy with movies, naps, and FOOD. Pickles! - Renzo

3/24/12 - Swap Meet

Lorenzo fact: one of the first places my parents took me was the swap meet. Now look at me! I can walk around on my own... But the diapers stay the same. The poop flows well by the food section. - Renzo

3/23/12 - Time Me

My Da-Da thinks he can do competitive eating... But $100 says I can take him at sloppy Jose's - Lorenzo

3/22/12 - Hard Knock Life

First it's yard work, now I have to sweep these floors?!? There will be payback for this... In the form of exploding diapers. - Renzo

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

3/21/12 - Baby Blues

I was born 20 months ago... I need a 'nother me... it can be of any variety... boy or girl it don't matter ... just give me someone who can pick up my toys... yea I got the baby blues ... I want a mini-Castillo #2 ... yea I got the baby blues. - Lorenzo

3/20/12 - Best of Both Worlds

I have my buzz shirt on and my woody hat on top of my head. Put your hands in the air, to go to infinity and beyond! - Renzo

Monday, March 19, 2012

3/19/12 - Mi-mis?

You want me to go mi-mi? Okay, but you have to catch me first! Good luck, I'm the blur! (BTW I wasn't about to cry, I was faking to try to get a cookie and a hug.) - Renzo

Sunday, March 18, 2012

3/18/12 - Goofys Place!

Had to hit Goofy's playhouse while at Disneyland. This slide was a hot commodity. - Renzo

3/17/12 - Lorax!

I saw my second movie in the theater today, Lorax! "Unless." Just remember that, k? Go see it and we can talk about it. - Lorenzo

3/16/12 - Doh!

Play Doh! Do you know good this stuff tastes? Good, then you understand why I'm digging for it. - Renzo

3/15/12 - Park!

I love my huge park in Costa Mesa! There's so much to do! - Renzo

3/14/12 - My Bed

Ahhh this is more like it... Once I wake up I like to relax on my future bed. - Lorenzo

3/13/12 - Yee-Haw!

What does the mommy horse do? Neigh!!! Let's go Momma! - Sheriff Zo

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

3/12/12 - Yard Work

Nothing better than a little yard work to relieve some stress. Mess! - Lorenzo

3/11/12 - Claimjumper

MMmmmmm! Tonight we went to Claim Jumper for Grandma Idy birthday! Emma is so silly, she had me entertained all night! - Renzo

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

3/7/12 - The Big LJ

Memo to Lakers: see this?!? See how easy it is to score from inside the paint?! Yes, that's why you feed the big dog on the middle.


Tuesday, March 6, 2012

3/6/12 - Fourth

Today I got my fourth haircut and I found out that I don't like to get it cut by another man. Sorry Daddy, no barber shop in the near future. I cried when I found out a man was cutting it today. - Lorenzo

3/5/12 - Futbol Revised

These kids think they know what's coming, but they don't. I'm preparing to take the soccer world by storm once I'm allowed to play in a league! - Lorenzo, future Raiders soccer team member

3/4/12 - Whooooaaaa Brah!!!

Beach! Beeeacccchhhh! I finally got over my fear of the ocean water today and it thanked me by tackling me right away! I cried a little bit, but I guess it was payback for the diarrhea I did while Mommy was carrying me. - Shaka-Enzo

3/3/12 - No Hair

Mommy and Me went to Native Foods and we didn't get hair in our food like Daddy did the last time we went. What a hairlarious story that is! - Lorenzo

3/2/12 - Wrapper

Who wants to color, when you can be a (un)wrapper! I love to take off the wrappers of crayons so I can guess what color they will show up as on the floor! - Renzo

Thursday, March 1, 2012

3/1/12 - Where Were You?

On the toilet? Out to dinner? At work? Improv? Watching TV? Where were you the night I got my first hit? Because that night was tonight. Future shortshop. - Renzo

2/29/12 - Catch!

Not sure where I'm taking my talents, but this catching thing is fun! Next Jerry Rice, or the next Roberto Clemente?!? I can't decide, maybe I'll go Bo Jackson on all of you!

2/28/12 - Knowledge

I love to read, and even know my book names: