Tuesday, May 31, 2011

5/31/11 - Monks Club

Who needs an Elks Club, when you can join the Monks club.

Ai yi yi, too much leche. - Renzo

Monday, May 30, 2011

5/30/11 - Beach Life

I haven't been to the beach since December, and it was colder today than at that time! I tried to find a ring in the sand to give to Mommy, but I came up empty. So, I went ahead and gave the sand a taste.

Good thing I'm Mexican and love salty things, om nom nom nom. - Lorenzo

Sunday, May 29, 2011

5/29/11 - Fork, No Hands

Do you like my trick, I'm holding the fork with no hands! Don't be jealous if you don't know the secret ...

Just kidding, the secret is easy. Use your hands to play with the food (the stickier the better, like pear), then press the fork to your hand. - Lorenzo

5/28/11 - The Lake Outside...

The womb! The last time I was at the lake I was in Mommy's stomach! Now I am old enough to play in the lake. As much as I love Mommy, it is more beautiful outside the womb.

And hammock life is a good life. - Lorenzo

5/27/11 - Picnic (For Reals)

Today, we had a picnic with some of my baby homeboys and lots of leche... I mean ladies. Mommy and I met them all for a park day! I was VERY interested in the ladies, especially aunt Steph, I tried to de-blouse her! - Lorenzo

5/26/11 - Who is this Band?

Wait, I don't really care because I'd rather sleep! We went to the farmer's market today and the band put me to sleep! - Renzo

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

5/25/11 - Straws!

I finally got the hang of these straws today! Next up, licorice straws, oh yea, oh yea! - Lorenzo

5/24/11 - We Lost

Well, our winning streak is over :( We went to an Angels game and they lost for the first time since I've been there. I learned a good lesson though, I learned how to lose. At least I had my cousins there to pick me up! - Renzo

Sunday, May 22, 2011

5/22/11 - Seafood!

Yes, it was a seafood type of day because I was a crabby mcgee! Our camera was dead so I didn't get a good picture today, however, it's actually better that I didnt... all these tears for nothing, how embarrassing! - Renzo

5/21/11 - Nannas for Nanners!

I love my bananas and my Auntie Wendy stole my heart last night at Grandpa Mike's B-Day party by giving me nanners! Thanks to my big cousin Emma for letting me have her banana! - Renzo

Friday, May 20, 2011

5/20/11 - The Face

This is my new face... what do you think of it?!?! You do it to me, and I'll do it right back! - Renzo

Thursday, May 19, 2011

5/19/11 - Yes, Yes ... Play That Song

I was telling Mommy what cool youtube videos to bring up. There is this funny one we watch together "boom boom boom, let me here you say wayo!" with some weird lady. You should watch it with us, type this in the youtube machine: Lady singing "Boom Boom Boom Let Me Hear You Say Wayo." You will thank us later. - Lorenzo

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

5/18/11 - Get Him Out

So, Mommy couldn't decide who smelled worse: me or Daddy. She ordered both of us in the bath!

But why is Daddy in the tub with me, AT THE SAME TIME?!?! I want to be able to move all over the tub and drive him crazy... but with him blocking the way I can't do any of that :( Aren't adults supposed to take showers?!?! - Renzo

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

5/17/11 - You Better Not

I swear, if you take one more picture today I'm going to body slam you so hard. You better be careful. - Lorenzo

Monday, May 16, 2011

5/16/11 - The Vest of Life

I can take on anything in this world, now that I have the vest of life! Yassss! Going to boing, boing, boing in the water! - Lorenzo

Sunday, May 15, 2011

5/15/11 - 10 Months!

Can you believe it?!?! I'm 10-months old now! Time flies when you're having fun! I got to celebrate at Claim Jumper, yummy! - Lorenzo

5/14/11 - Emma is 1!!!

My big cousin turned 1 today! Isn't she the cutest thing, ever! I had so much fun at her party today that I had to take a nap, mid-party! I love you Emma! Kisses! - Renzo

Friday, May 13, 2011

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

5/11/11 - Futbol

I can't wait until I play soccer! I have a head start already!!! This is how you play, right?!?! I'm Mexican, I'm a natural! - Lorenzo

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

5/10/11 - 3 and 0, Baby!

Yes, it's true, I'm the real rally monkey! I am now 3-0 in Angels games so far!

And Mommy and Daddy caught me sucking my thumb! Uh oh, just like Daddy! - Renzo

Monday, May 9, 2011

5/9/11 - Breakfast, Breakfast

Mmm mmmm mmmmm. Breakfast, breakfast, breakfast. I love my breakfast. Had some banana pancakes and sweet potato fries for breakfast, then I took a 2.5 hour siesta. - Lorenzo

Sunday, May 8, 2011

5/8/11 - Happy "Mama" Day!

Happy Mother's day to all you Mommy and future Mommys! If you need a milk tester I'm glad to help you out. I need to get back into the 90th percentile.

I celebrated with my Mommy at the LA Zoo today! We thought we lost Daddy a couple of times, though. We kept thinking he was in a cage but it was just the monkeys! - Renzo

5/7/11 - Picking Flowers

I went to Nina's flower shop today to pick out flowers for Mommy. In the process I ended up knocking over an arrangement and wrapping myself up. The things I get into! - Lorenzo

Saturday, May 7, 2011

5/6/11 - Put a Fork in Them!

I see how it is, Lakers. Last year while I was in Mommy's stomach you went and got another championship. But this year I'm out of the womb and you're going to lose in the 2nd round?!?!

Embarrassing. You're lucky this isn't a Pau jersey, or I'd poo in it! - Lorenzo

Thursday, May 5, 2011

5/5/11 - Orale!

Ai yi yi! Too much milkuila! I want to touch my Mommy's face so I fell asleep reaching for her. Cinco de Mayo, ai que fun! - Lorenzo

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

5/4/11 - No, no, no

Hey, everybody... do the Lakers play with heart now'a'days? Let me answer that for you:

- Lorenzo

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

5/3/11 - Getting Ready!

See this empty Angels plate??!?! Do you know what's wrong with it??!?! It's empty! Give me more enchiladas or else drink my vavas!

Tonight was enchilada night and I only got one! Oh, but I got to watch Daddy eat four. My goodness, I can't wait until I can walk so I can serve myself. - Lorenzo

Monday, May 2, 2011

5/2/11 - Put Your Hands In the Air

And wave them around like you just don't care! We're excited for the Lakers game today so we started the hip-hop go baaaa-bbbyyyy! - Lorenzo

5/1/11 - Let Me Check...

Oh, you want to hang out? Okay, let me check my calendar. Hmmmm, lucha libre night ... a mud crawl ... high-chair base-jumping ... Angels game... I don't know, pick a day and I will find a way to work it out. - Renzo

Sunday, May 1, 2011

4/30/11 - Nature Walk!

We warmed up for our future trip to Yosemite by checking out a waterfall in the Thousand Oaks area! Watch'a'la - when I'm big enough I'm going to throw Mommy and Daddy in the water! - Renzo