Thursday, April 19, 2012

4/18/12 - It's Here!

The day has finally come for my Angels baseball game! I missed the ballpark and couldn't wait to go inside! I didn't want to take my jacket off! - Renzo

4/17/12 - Beach Day!

What a day! MaMa took me to the beach and I wore myself out so much that I slept from 4pm straight through to 530am the next day! Sleeping fish! - Renzo

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

4/16/12 - Angels Game!

I'm ready for the new season! I'm going to an Angels ... Gaaaammmmmeeeeee! - Renzo

4/15/12 - Goofy!

I finally got to meet Goofy today! I wonder if I have any Goofy in my blood, that way I can be tall... - Renzo

4/14/12 - Sticker Head

I love my stickers so much that I put them in my hair for safekeeping. - Lorenzo

4/13/12 - Hat!

Be honest, I look MUCH better in this hat than Dada, right?!? - Renzo

Thursday, April 12, 2012

4/12/12 - Lucha!

Who can handle the quickness and power of Lorenzchador!?! No one! (Thank goodness for editing so you don't get to see my tumble). - Renzo

4/11/12 - Hard Knock Life

This wasn't part of the deal! If I make a mess I'm not supposed to clean it yet. Child labor laws! - Renzorella

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

4/10/12 - Another Side

You recognize this side? If you answered my red steel side, then yes, you're right. This is my Spring catalog look. - Zo'Lander

4/9/12 - Halfway Herbert

I love reading with Mama and Dada; Halfway Herbert (& Ronnie Wilson's Gift) is my new favorite book. Don't go halfway in life! - Lorenzo

4/8/12 - Easter!

He is risen! And my toy box has too! - Renzo

Monday, April 9, 2012

4/7/12 - Oh Yeah, Oh Yeah

Errands, errands, errands all day! But I did get to have fun at Damien's birthday party! Sugar and snacks! - Renzo

4/6/12 - My Buddies!

What a Good Friday! My buddies, Dylan and Ethan, came over to play! We got so excited that Dylan wanted to have the same skateboarding accident as me! - Renzo

Thursday, April 5, 2012

4/5/12 - Skateboard Accident

Had my first skateboard accident today. Thought I could show Daddy my inward heel flip but totally landed primo. Hopefully I learn from this little tumble, dude. - Lorenzo

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

4/4/12 - Sand Grains

Now matter how small sand grains are, remember, a bunch of them together make a big litter box for cats! Watch out for crazy gatos! - Renzo

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

4/3/12 - Como Que, Tee

Como que, tee ball. I don't need a tee to hit this ball. Why is it so hard for you, Dodgers? Angels all day. - Renz-bino

4/2/12 - Ma-ma

Ma-ma? Is this you? Cheese, then take me to your homeland, Hawaii! - Lorenzo

4/1/12 - Little Rascal

Leave a little water with me and you're bound to get wet. I'm going to sneakier than the Hoff with water. - Renzo

3/31/12 - Take 2

Still practicing on the 'armonica. I got a new one so I can be talented with multiple styles. - Renzo

Monday, April 2, 2012

3/30/12 - Nap Face

I might be out of it as soon as I get up from a nap, but you better be ready to play. No wusses allowed. - Renzo